Assuming the competition is similar to last year, you will have a few rounds of buzzer-based competition rounds and an online test. During the buzzer rounds, ten students compete against each other - the first student to ring in with the correct answer gets the point. There are 30 questions per round and you can correctly answer up to eight questions. Once you have correctly answered eight questions, you join the audience. The faster to eight correct you are, the more bonus points you win. At the end, the top ten students in each division will compete against each other to determine the overall winner. You do not need to win the regional competition to qualify for nationals. Based on past years, I believe they invite the top quarter or third of scorers to compete at nationals.
The questions in the buzzer rounds always start out with very important information so listen carefully! They will start with a phrase like "This woman" or "This battle" or "This event", etc. Then the question will give multiple clues starting with lesser known information and moving to more widely known facts about the answer. Example:
The plan for this battle was based on the successful British attack on the Italian port of Taranto. The attack plan was crafted and executed under the command of Isoroku Yamamoto. The declaration of war that was supposed to be delivered prior to this attack was mistakenly delivered afterwards. For the point, name this battle, which took place in Hawaii on December 7th of 1941, and caused the United States to declare war on the Empire of Japan.
US History Study Guide
World History Study Guide
BrainPop - Save the Geography and Economics for last!
Crash Course - US History, World History, World History II -- US History and World History videos are listed in reverse chronological order (start from the end)
Podcast series from the BBC: 50 Things That Made the Modern Economy
Sample questions and study guides from the high school History Bee
U.S. History Resources
Gilder Lehrman APUSH Study Guide
US Immigration Policy Interactive Timeline
Cliff's Notes - US History 1; US History 2
When America Forgot About Its Black WWI Soldiers
Archaeologists Discover Dozens of Cat Mummies...
A lost ancient city built by Trojan War captives has been found
More Than a Pirate, a Rebel With a Democratic Spirit
Mark Twain's modest proposal for ending lynching in the American South
England, But New: How John Smith's 1616 Map Helped Define America
Why Ancient Egyptians Loved Cats So Much
Two Centuries Before Mandela, This Xhosa Hero Died Escaping Robben Island
The Reconstruction Era Video Series
How centuries-old dice reveal changing attitudes about fate
World War I (Scholastic)
The Gunpowder Plot, Redux
Who Lost the Internet Wars
Why 536 was 'the worst year to be alive'
Democrat Nikki Fried will move to pardon Groveland Four, victims of Florida's racist past
1919: The Year of the Crack-Up
A Civil War Cartoonist Created the Modern Image of Santa Claus as Union Propaganda
How the Klan Fueled Prohibition
The First Buses In the World Were In Paris (and They Ate Hay)
Rare blue pigment found in medieval woman's teeth rewrites history
The story of how Michael King Jr. became Martin Luther King Jr.
The Mysterious Plane Crash That Changed Pakistan
The Underground Kitchen That Funded the Civil Rights Movement
Eye on the Prize from Facing History and Ourselves
Did Kongolese Catholocism Lead to Slave Revolutions?
Did Black Rebellion Win the Civil War?
The plot to assassinate George Washington - and how it was foiled
Arrest warrant from a secret committee of the New York Provincial Congress, 21 June 1776
General orders, 27 June 1776
Presidential (podcast from The Washington Post)
American schools can't figure out how to teach kids about slavery
The Man Who Changed the Constitution, Twice
Let's Revisit Florida's Bizarre Lost Theme Parks From Before the Disney Era
...An All-White Europe That Never Existed
The White Southerners Who Fought US Segregation
Charles de Gaulle's Victory Began in This Central African Nation
The Mass Graves of Tulsa
Reading In Restraint: The Last Chained Libraries
The World's Oldest Medieval Map
Mappa Mundi
The FBI Plot to Bring Down the Gay Man Behind the March on Washington
Magna Carta from the British Library
Inside the Cockpit of Amelia Earhart's Vega
Found: A Ship Once Described By Herodotus
Researchers Find Ancient Maya Farms in Mexican Wetlands
Woman Identified as Last Survivor of US-Africa Slave Trade
Last Seen Ads
Simón Bolívar Made Exactly the Same Mistakes Maduro Is Making
Walker Evans changed the way Americans saw their country
A Long Island House Holds the Story of Washington’s Spy Ring
When Slaveowners Got Reparations
Grant Signs KKK Act Into Law, April 20, 1871
Angela: The first African slaves arrived in Jamestown 400 years ago
Keeping Time: Origins of the Days of the Week
The Long, Strange Journey of 'Gung-Ho'
The surprising history of the word "dude"
What Did the Rebel Yell Sound Like?
The flavours that changed the world
Native Knowledge 360°
Ancient Romans Got Their Wood From as Far Away as France, Study Finds
When America Forgot All About Its Black WWI Soldiers
The Black Texas Congresswoman Who Took On Nixon
The Clever Glass Box That Reshaped the World
Before Althea Gibson, there was Ora Washington
A street food vendor's tip led archaeologists to find an ancient Maya capital in a cattle rancher's yard
Frances Perkins: She came to the rescue during the Great Depression
How the Treaty of New Echota Lead to the Trail of Tears
The questions in the buzzer rounds always start out with very important information so listen carefully! They will start with a phrase like "This woman" or "This battle" or "This event", etc. Then the question will give multiple clues starting with lesser known information and moving to more widely known facts about the answer. Example:
The plan for this battle was based on the successful British attack on the Italian port of Taranto. The attack plan was crafted and executed under the command of Isoroku Yamamoto. The declaration of war that was supposed to be delivered prior to this attack was mistakenly delivered afterwards. For the point, name this battle, which took place in Hawaii on December 7th of 1941, and caused the United States to declare war on the Empire of Japan.
US History Study Guide
World History Study Guide
BrainPop - Save the Geography and Economics for last!
Crash Course - US History, World History, World History II -- US History and World History videos are listed in reverse chronological order (start from the end)
Podcast series from the BBC: 50 Things That Made the Modern Economy
Sample questions and study guides from the high school History Bee
U.S. History Resources
Gilder Lehrman APUSH Study Guide
US Immigration Policy Interactive Timeline
Cliff's Notes - US History 1; US History 2
When America Forgot About Its Black WWI Soldiers
Archaeologists Discover Dozens of Cat Mummies...
A lost ancient city built by Trojan War captives has been found
More Than a Pirate, a Rebel With a Democratic Spirit
Mark Twain's modest proposal for ending lynching in the American South
England, But New: How John Smith's 1616 Map Helped Define America
Why Ancient Egyptians Loved Cats So Much
Two Centuries Before Mandela, This Xhosa Hero Died Escaping Robben Island
The Reconstruction Era Video Series
How centuries-old dice reveal changing attitudes about fate
World War I (Scholastic)
The Gunpowder Plot, Redux
Who Lost the Internet Wars
Why 536 was 'the worst year to be alive'
Democrat Nikki Fried will move to pardon Groveland Four, victims of Florida's racist past
1919: The Year of the Crack-Up
A Civil War Cartoonist Created the Modern Image of Santa Claus as Union Propaganda
How the Klan Fueled Prohibition
The First Buses In the World Were In Paris (and They Ate Hay)
Rare blue pigment found in medieval woman's teeth rewrites history
The story of how Michael King Jr. became Martin Luther King Jr.
The Mysterious Plane Crash That Changed Pakistan
The Underground Kitchen That Funded the Civil Rights Movement
Eye on the Prize from Facing History and Ourselves
Did Kongolese Catholocism Lead to Slave Revolutions?
Did Black Rebellion Win the Civil War?
The plot to assassinate George Washington - and how it was foiled
Arrest warrant from a secret committee of the New York Provincial Congress, 21 June 1776
General orders, 27 June 1776
Presidential (podcast from The Washington Post)
American schools can't figure out how to teach kids about slavery
The Man Who Changed the Constitution, Twice
Let's Revisit Florida's Bizarre Lost Theme Parks From Before the Disney Era
...An All-White Europe That Never Existed
The White Southerners Who Fought US Segregation
Charles de Gaulle's Victory Began in This Central African Nation
The Mass Graves of Tulsa
Reading In Restraint: The Last Chained Libraries
The World's Oldest Medieval Map
Mappa Mundi
The FBI Plot to Bring Down the Gay Man Behind the March on Washington
Magna Carta from the British Library
Inside the Cockpit of Amelia Earhart's Vega
Found: A Ship Once Described By Herodotus
Researchers Find Ancient Maya Farms in Mexican Wetlands
Woman Identified as Last Survivor of US-Africa Slave Trade
Last Seen Ads
Simón Bolívar Made Exactly the Same Mistakes Maduro Is Making
Walker Evans changed the way Americans saw their country
A Long Island House Holds the Story of Washington’s Spy Ring
When Slaveowners Got Reparations
Grant Signs KKK Act Into Law, April 20, 1871
Angela: The first African slaves arrived in Jamestown 400 years ago
Keeping Time: Origins of the Days of the Week
The Long, Strange Journey of 'Gung-Ho'
The surprising history of the word "dude"
What Did the Rebel Yell Sound Like?
The flavours that changed the world
Native Knowledge 360°
Ancient Romans Got Their Wood From as Far Away as France, Study Finds
When America Forgot All About Its Black WWI Soldiers
The Black Texas Congresswoman Who Took On Nixon
The Clever Glass Box That Reshaped the World
Before Althea Gibson, there was Ora Washington
A street food vendor's tip led archaeologists to find an ancient Maya capital in a cattle rancher's yard
Frances Perkins: She came to the rescue during the Great Depression
How the Treaty of New Echota Lead to the Trail of Tears